I plan to introduce the new features of Coldfusion 8. To start it off, here are the enhancements to cfloop. The simple-to-use cfloop has just got richer. Now, you can loop through files and arrays using cfloop!
- Read file using cfloop
<head><title>CFLoop over a file</title></head>
<cfset fileName = ExpandPath('./') & "tempFile.txt">
<cfif fileExists(fileName)>
<cfset fileDelete(fileName)>
<cfset fileObj = FileOpen(fileName,"Append")>
<cfloop from="1" to="10" index="i">
<cfset content = "Line Number " & i>
<cfset FileWriteLine(fileObj, content)>
<cfset i = 0>
<---If you want to read 'caracters' instead of 'lines', use the "characters" attribute!--->
<cfloop file="#fileName#" index="line">
<cfset i++>
<cfoutput>#i# lines of code were read<br></cfoutput>
<cfdump var="#getFileInfo(fileName)#">
<cfset FileClose(fileObj)>
- Read array using cfloop
<cfset adbeStruct = {quoteName="adbe", price="43.01"}>
<cfset msftStruct = {quoteName="msft", price="30.3"}>
<cfset googStruct = {quoteName="goog", price="513.5"}>
<cfset yhooStruct = {quoteName="yhoo", price="53.1"}>
<cfset aaplStruct = {quoteName="aapl", price="115.4"}>
<cfset arr1 = [adbeStruct, msftStruct, googStruct, yhooStruct, aaplStruct]>
<cfloop array=#arr1# index="quoteData">
<table width=25% border=1>
<td width=75%>#quoteData.quoteName#</td>
<td width=25%>#quoteData.price#</td>
Isn't that simple yet powerful? My next post would talk about the new rocking tag - cfthread.